Gordo's photos from May and early-June 1999
All photos and text Copyright © 1999 Gordon Richardson gordonr@iafrica.com

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Sunrise on cirrus and altocumulus (separate days)

sunrise on cirrus sunrise on cirrus over mountains sunrise on altocumulus layers

Sunset on altocumulus and cirrus

sunset on altocumulus and cirrus

Sundowners with cirrus over sea

sundowners with cirrus over sea

Sunset on cirrus over Table Mountain

sunset on cirrus over Table Mountain wide angle sunset on cirrus over Table Mountain close up

Layer of cirrus and streaks

layer of cirrus and streaks over Table Mountain cirrus pattern over Devil's Peak

Altocumulus and stratocumulus patterns

altocumulus waves near Devil's Peak stratocumulus with blue sky in gaps

Rainbow over Kenilworth Racecourse

rainbow over Kenilworth Racecourse

Vlakkenberg in sun below cloud

Vlakkenberg in sun below cloud

Autumn with clouds over Table Mountain

autumn with clouds over Table Mountain

Wednesday 09 Jun 1999

The forecast was for 27 deg C in winter, so it seemed like a good day for a walk :)
The catch was that the wind was about 70km/h on top of the mountain!

False Bay and Fishoek from Silvermine
Silvermine and False Bay Fishoek from Silvermine

Views of Silvermine Nature Reserve with reservoirs
wide angle of Silvermine with reservoir wide angle of Silvermine with pond

Kommetjie and Noordhoek beach from upper Silvermine

Kommetjie and Noordhoek beach from upper Silvermine

Hout Bay from upper Silvermine

Hout Bay and the Sentinel from upper Silvermine Hout Bay centre from upper Silvermine

Chapmans Peak drive from upper Silvermine

Chapmans Peak drive from upper Silvermine

Iridesence from lenticular cloud (strong wind)

iridesence from lenticular cloud

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09 June 1999 created