Gordo's photos from the Western Cape Mountains
All photos and text Copyright © 1998-2008 Gordon Richardson
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Hawekwas Mountains with rainbow from Paarl Rock -
Jan '08
Snow capped mountains above Gydo Pass -
Jul '01
Road to snowy Cedarberg peaks north of Gydo Pass -
Jul '01
Hex River valley with vines and snowy peaks -
Jun/Jul '01
Municpial dam and snowy peaks (near Ceres) -
Aug/Sep '00
Snowy Drakenstein peaks outside Franshoek -
late Jul '00
Snowy peaks and river valley above Franshoek Pass -
late Jul '00
Hottentots Holland from Somerset West -
late Jul '00
Heavy winter snow is rare on this peak
Snowy peaks west of Franshoek -
September '99
Snow on minor summit north of Worcester -
August '99
Snow on minor summit south of Michell's Pass -
August '99
Snow on smooth shaped summit near Matroosberg -
August '99
Cliffs above
Du Toits Kloof pass -
Winter '88
Franshoek Valley from Franshoek pass and Simonsberg closeup - Spring '88
Stettynskloof peak and reservoir near Villiersdorp - Spring '88
Peaks behind Wolsley -
July '90
Snow capped peaks above
Bain's Kloof pass -
Winter '91
Panorama of snow covered peaks from Rhodes Memorial - Winter '94
The highest point in this view is Du Toits peak (2000m elevation)
Wide angle view of snow covered peaks at sunset - Winter '94
Summer cloud behind Helderberg - late Spring '94
Snow covered peak near Villiersdorp, and in High Noon valley -
Winter '95
Paarl Rock (granite outcrops) -
December '95
Jonkershoek mountains from Helderberg -
Autumn '96
Peaks near Franshoek -
Autumn '96
Winter 1996
Snowy peaks behind Berg river in flood,
and behind Worcester Botanical Garden
Snow on De Doorns mountains
Snow capped Koue Bokkeveld from Ceres
Snow from airplane near Ceres -
August '96
Click here to see more snow capped scenes
Silhouttes of the mountains can be seen in many of my
sunrise photos
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27 Mar 2008 updated
24 May 1998 created