Gordo's photos from October to December '99
All photos and text Copyright © 1999 Gordon Richardson gordonr@iafrica.com

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Sunset over Constantia Nek (separate days)

sunset over Constantia Nek sunset glow over Constantia Nek

Chapmans Peak and Hout Bay with sea patterns

Chapmans Peak with sea patterns Hout Bay from Chapmans Peak with sea patterns

Cirrus patterns

cirrus streaks over Constantiaberg cirrus over sea

cirrus streaks

Solar halo and tree

solar halo and tree

Cirrocumulus ripples and waves

cirrocumulus ripples cirrocumulus waves cirrus streaks

Table Mountain with cloud

Table Mountain cloud at dawn with moon Table Mountain with south-easter cloud

Cumulonimbus heads

cumulonimbus heads

Sunrise on altocumulus

sunrise on altocumulus

Cirrus patterns with virga

cirrus fluffy patterns cirrus patterns with virga

cirrus streaks with virga

Double rainbow over trees

bright double rainbow over tree wide double rainbow over trees

Sunset spectacle over Constantiaberg

sunset spectacle over Constantiaberg

Rippled base of lenticular cloud

rippled base of lenticular cloud

Squadron of seagulls resting (I thought they looked funny)

squadron of seagulls resting

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26 Dec 1999 created